
+86 199-188-33588

客户如何向我们询价?How do customers make an inquiry?


You can make an inquiry through our official website, QQ, wechat or direct email, and we will give you an offer as soon as possible. When making an inquiry, please provide us the brand / model (or order number) / quantity of the products you want to purchase, and provide us as much detailed information as possible. In addition, please leave your company name and your contact information to us, so that our salesman can give you timely feedback.

我们的报价包括哪些费用?What are the charges included in our quotation?


The quotation is mainly composed of the following: foreign currency purchase cost of the goods, 13% VAT special invoice, tariff of the products, international freight, domestic freight, customs declaration fee, storage fee and purchasing service fee of our company.

货期如何计算?How to calculate the delivery time?


The delivery period is calculated from the time we receive the advance payment from the customer and the return of the contract seal (both are indispensable), subject to the working week (excluding domestic and foreign holidays).

客户如何接收货物和发票?How do customers receive goods and invoices?


When the express company or logistics company delivers the goods to your company, please make sure to check whether the packaging of the goods is intact and whether the goods are damaged. If there is any damage, please don't sign for it. You can take photos or contact us immediately. All the goods of our company have premium. If you find that the goods are damaged after signing for it, you will not be able to report to the express company or logistics company The claim of the company is due.


The goods and invoice are sent separately. Generally, you will receive our invoice about one week after receiving the goods.



Add:B18 Building 106-107,Wantian Mechanical & Electrical Market,Wangcheng District,Changsha,Hunan,P.R.C

电话/Tel:+86 731-85506544          传真/Fax:+86 731-86887644

手机/Mobile:+86 199-18833588   邮箱/Email:bingyu.yi@xy-et.com
